Thursday, December 7, 2017

The Extremist Leftist Chicago Democrats who voted to Impeach President Trump: Jan Schakowsky, Bobby Rush, Robin Kelley

President Donald Trump has been in office less than a year and already, the extremist left of the Democrat party, in accord with the ultra-leftist "Resist" movement and the "Antifa" neo-Nazi thugs, have tried to raise a vote to impeach him.

Socialist Chicago Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky

Even the mainstream liberal leadership of the Democrats in Congress, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Asst. minority Leader, Steny Hoyer advised against this.

But the procedural vote to advance the possibility of an impeachment discussion, took place yesterday in Congress and failed by a massive 364-58 vote, which set this ultra-leftist idiocy aside.

The vast majority of those wanting this were members of the Congressional Black Caucus.

But there were a few exceptions.
Cong. Bobby Rush

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky, who is practically now an avowed neo-Marxist and who was elected from large parts of the Chicago Northern suburbs, joined 2 members of the inner-city Chicago delegation to Congress, Black Caucus members, former Black Panther member, Bobby Rush and Robin Kelly, in the abortive motion to discuss impeachment, which was disavowed by most mainstream Democrat Members of Congress.


  1. Bobby Rush! They should have whacked that guy in the Fred Hampton shooting.

  2. jan shitkowski is fugly and rush does he have aids, don't forget pip sqeek gutirezz

  3. You should do a piece on jac charlier, the jam shack wannabe


Comments invited, however anonymous commentors had better deal directly with the issues raised and avoid ad hominem drivel. As for Teachers' Union seminar writers -- forget about it.