Friday, April 6, 2018

Nanny State Deerfield IL Bans Semi-Automatic Weapons - Deerfield Police Vow No Nazi-styled Door-to-Door Roundup

The extremely left-wing Northern suburb of Chicago, Deerfield, Illinois, voted unanimously to outlaw innumerable semi-automatic weapons within its borders last week and made national news in the process.

This should really come as no surprise, because the affluent, heavily Jewish town, has overwhelmingly voted for Obama twice, has all leftist Democrat state legislators, a leftist Democrat - preponderantly Jewish - Village Board and Mayor and a leftist Democrat Congressman.

Deerfield, Illinois has been the archetype of the "progressive" nanny state.
Deerfield's former school marm Mayor, Harriet Rosenthal
masterminded the Northern Chicago Villages' Gun grabbing move

Despite being located in one of the most windy areas of the continental US, these control freaks voted to ban smoking in public parks. They said they were afraid that some sensitive soul might get a whiff of 2nd hand smoke.

Now, under the leadership of Deerfield Nanny-in-Chief, Rosenthal, they're out to ban guns in their little lefty fiefdom.

According to the Chicago Tribune's local reporter:

"The new Deerfield ordinance prohibits the possession, sale and manufacturing of certain types of assault weapons and large capacity magazines within the village, according to the ordinance. One change from the law as it was originally discussed exempts retired police officers from the ban, according to Village Manager Kent Street.

Violations carry a fine of between $250 and $1,000 per day, according to Matthew Rose, the village attorney. He said the fine is levied each day until there is compliance.

The article reported that: In the ordinance, the definition of an assault weapon includes, among others, semiautomatic rifles that have a fixed magazine with a capacity to accept more than 10 rounds of ammunition; shotguns with a revolving cylinder; and semiautomatic pistols and rifles that can accept large-capacity magazines and possess one of a list of other features. Among the dozens of specific models cited are the AR-15, AK-47 and Uzi, according to the ordinance."

The gun-grabbing ukase was the brainstorm of Deerfield Mayor, Harriet Rosenthal - a former school marm and past President of Glencoe's Jewish Congregation Hakafa.
Deerfield's top cop,  John Sliozis (R) says they'll only
enforce the gun grab via "public information" -- at first

Deerfield Police Chief, John J. Sliozis, sought to assuage outrage among area gun owners by putting up a Facebook note, assuring citizens that he would initially only enforce this measure through, "Public Education."

But, of course the underlying implication of Deerfield's draconian gun ban is that, at some point they'll have to knock on their citizens' doors to try and confiscate them.

After the Nazis took control, they banned all gun ownership and provided stern penalties for Jews who owned guns.

According to the National Review:

"SS chief Heinrich Himmler decreed that 20 years be served in a concentration camp by any Jew possessing a firearm. Rusty revolvers and bayonets from the Great War were confiscated from Jewish veterans who had served with distinction. Twenty thousand Jewish men were thrown into concentration camps, and had to pay ransoms to get released."

Harriet Rosenthal's Deerfield only demands a $250 to $1000 a day ransom for any citizens who their armed police nab with these legal and lawful weapons.

Apparently Deerfield's mayor, Mrs. Rosenthal, during her school marm days, must have taught something like 3rd grade English.

She certainly never studied, nor taught modern history.


  1. Isn't this already a Cook (Crook) County law that was passed in the early 90s?

    1. No it's not. It specifies a whole array of guns - and strangely exempts retired cops from compliance. How could that possibly be constitutional?

      Shall we now have 2 classes of citizens -- one protected by the 2nd Amendment - and the other, just kind of protected? Sheer insanity.

  2. Thanks. This is very much in the headlines right now.

    JPFO (Jews for the Preservation of Firearm Ownership)

  3. Complete insanity. I think a judge overturned this fiasco in the last few days, if I'm not mistaken. How these loons thought they'd get away with this and that no one would raise a 2A fight is beyond me.


Comments invited, however anonymous commentors had better deal directly with the issues raised and avoid ad hominem drivel. As for Teachers' Union seminar writers -- forget about it.