Kester Alleyne-Morris | Assistant Subject Editor, National | @KesterAlleyne | +Kester Alleyne-Morris |
John A. Andersen | Film Imaging Technician |
Tim Bannon | Sports Editor | @TimBannon | +Tim Bannon |
Kyle Bentle | Graphics Producer | @kylebentle | +Kyle Bentle |
Michael Berens | Investigative Reporter | @MJBerens1 |
Kathy Bergen | Reporter/Writer, Chicago business climate | @kathy_bergen | +Kathy Bergen |
Jonathon Berlin | Graphics Editor | @JonathonBerlin | +Jonathon Berlin |
Joseph Biesk | Editor, South Town Star | @joebiesk |
Brad Biggs | Reporter/Writer, Bears | @BradBiggs | +Brad Biggs |
Christopher Boghossian | Sports Source Editor | @ChrisBoghossian |
Samantha Bomkamp | Business Reporter | @SamWillTravel | +Samantha Bomkamp |
Christopher Borrelli | Entertainment Reporter | @Borrelli | +Chris Borrelli |
Lolly L. Bowean | General Assignment Reporter/Writer | @lollybowean |
Alison Bowen | Lifestyles Reporter | @byalisonbowen |
Jeff Bowen | Editor/Designer | +Jeff Bowen |
Joel Boyd | Source Editor, Sports | @JJoelBoyd | +Joel Boyd |
Manya Brachear Pashman | Religion Reporter/Writer, Metro | @TribSeeker | +Manya Brachear |
Jemal Brinson | Producer, Graphics | @jemalbrins | +Jemal Brinson |
Tony Briscoe | Reporter | @_tonybriscoe |
Bob Brown | Copy Editor, Financial News |
Taylor Brown | SEO Specialist |
Aly Brumback | Digital News Editor | @alybrumback | +Aly Brumback |
Chuck Burke | Editing & Presentation, Deputy | @chuck_burke | +Chuck Burke |
John Byrne | Reporter, City Hall | @_johnbyrne | +John Byrne |
Zbigniew Bzdak | Staff Photographer | @zbzdak |
Patricia Callahan | Investigative Reporter | @TribuneTrish | +Patricia Callahan |
Rich Campbell | Bears Reporter | @Rich_Campbell |
Jeffrey Carlson | Editor/Designer | @carlsonjeff2014 |
Whitney Carlson | Editorial Assistant |
Amy Carr | Development Editor | @amyscarr |
Carmel Carrillo | TV and Movies Editor | @CarmelCarrillo | +Carmel Carrillo |
Brian Cassella | Staff Photographer | @briancassella | +Brian Cassella |
Kathleen Celer | Photo Imaging Technician |
Jeff C. Cercone | Digital News Editor | +Jeff Cercone |
Alexandra Chachkevitch | Local Reporter | @chachkevitch |
Mary Kate Chambers | Editor/Designer | +MaryKate Chambers |
Robert Channick | Reporter/Writer, Business and Media | @RobertChannick | +Robert Channick |
Stephen Chapman | Columnist and Member of the Editorial Board | @SteveChapman13 | +Steve Chapman |
John Chase | State Government Reporter/Writer, Metro | @chasejohn |
Lauren Chval | Community Coordinator, The Mash | @lchval |
Geoffrey Clark | Assistant Editing III | @gfclark89 |
Norma Cochrane | Communications Coordinator, Editorial Message Center |
Jeff Coen | Federal Courts Reporter/Writer, Metro | @JeffCoen | +Jeff Coen |
Jodi S. Cohen | Higher Education Reporter/Writer, Metro | @higherednews | +Jodi S. Cohen |
Lauren Comitor | Digital News Editor | @laurencomitor |
Megan Crepeau | Copy Editor, RedEye | @crepeau |
Karen Cullotta | Reporter, Trib Local Arlington Heights | @kcullotta |
Patrick Daily | Editor/Designer |
Bill Daley | Food and Feature Writer | @BillDaley | +Bill Daley |
Cindy Dampier | Assistant Editor, Lifestyle |
Hal Dardick | Reporter/Writer, City Hall | @ReporterHal | +Hal Dardick |
Robin Daughtridge | AME/Photo and Video | @rdaughtridge | +Robin Daughtridge |
Molly Davis | Online Entertainment Producer | @MollyDavis | +Molly Davis |
Jennifer Day | Books/Printers Row Journal Editor | @dayjenn | +Jennifer Day |
Amy Dickinson | "Ask Amy" Features Columnist | @AskingAmy | +Amy Dickinson |
Marie Dillon | Deputy Editorial Page Editor | @mariecdillon | +Marie Dillon |
Nuccio DiNuzzo | Staff Photographer | @chitribnuccio |
Cara DiPasquale | Source Editor | @cdipasquale | +Cara DiPasquale |
Cynthia Dizikes | Reporter, Metro | @cdizikes | +Cynthia Dizikes |
Valentina Djeljosevic | Deputy Editor of Editing & Presentation | +Valentina Djeljosevic |
Robert Duffer | Autos Editor | @DufferRobert | +Robert Duffer |
Jordan A. Dziura | Deputy Editor of Editing & Presentation | @jdziura |
Leo A. Ebersole | Assistant Entertainment Editor | @sharkvshyena | +Leo Ebersole |
Amina Elahi | Reporter, Blue Sky | @aminamina | +Amina Elahi |
Duaa Eldeib | Reporter | @deldeib | +Duaa Eldeib |
Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz | Business Reporter | @alexiaer | +Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz |
Daniel Ellman | Editor/Designer |
Renee Enna | Assistant Editor, Lifestyles | @reneeenna | +Renee Enna |
Abraham Epton | News Applications Team | @aepton | +Abraham Epton |
Tom Fields | Executive Assistant |
Kori Rumore Finley | Graphics Producer | @rumormill |
Liz Fitzgerald | Editor/Designer, Sports | @FitzWatson | +Liz Fitzgerald |
Liam Ford | Source Editor, Writer | @ltaford | +Liam Ford |
Monique Garcia | Springfield Correspondent/Bureau Chief | @moniquegarcia | +Monique Garcia |
Georgia C. Garvey | Managing Editor, Pioneer Press | @gcgarvey | +Georgia Garvey |
Destiny Gdalman | Senior Technical Producer | @DestinyGdalman |
Philip Geib | Design/Editing | @pgeib1 |
Kim Geiger | Metro Reporter | @kimgeiger |
Douglas George | Assistant Entertainment Editor | @DouglasGeorge | +DouglasGeorge |
Kurt Gessler | Sr. Editor, | @kurtgessler | +Kurt Gessler |
Heather Gillers | Specialist Reporter/Investigative | @hgillers | +Heather Gillers |
Dahleen Glanton | Metro reporter | @dahleeng | +Dahleen Glanton |
Mark Gonzales | Cubs Reporter, Sports | @MDGonzales |
Jeremy Gorner | Reporter/Writer, Police |
Joe Gray | Food & Dining Editor | @joegraygoodeats |
Jimmy Greenfield | Community Manager, ChicagoNow | @jcgreenx | +Jimmy Greenfield |
Teddy Greenstein | Media/College Football Reporter, Sports | @TeddyGreenstein | +Teddy Greenstein |
Ted Gregory | General Assignment Reporter/Writer, Northlake Bureau | @tgregoryreports |
Elizabeth Greiwe | Editor, Voice of the People | @elizabethgreiwe |
Ron Grossman | Urban Affairs Reporter/Writer, Metro | +Ron Grossman |
Jason Grotto | Specialist Reporter/Investigative | @JasonGrotto | +Jason Grotto |
Christy Gutowski | Metro Reporter | @christygutowsk1 |
Daniel Haar | Editor/Breaking News | @dahaar |
Anne Halston | Editor, The Beacon-News, The Courier-News, Napierville Sun, TribLocal | @anniewho2 |
Andrea Hanis | Blue Sky Editor | @AndreaHanis | +Andrea Hanis |
Maureen Hart | Deputy Editor, Printers Row Journal, Saturday Books | @MaureenMH | +Maureen Hart |
David A. Haugh | Sports Columnist | @DavidHaugh | +David Haugh |
Michael Hawthorne | Watchdog Reporter/Environment | @scribeguy | +Michael Hawthorne |
John T. Hector | Assistant Subject Editor, Suburbs | @jthector | +John Hector |
David Heinzmann | Reporter/Writer, Metro | @davidheinzmann |
Mary Ellen Hendricks | Production Editor | @MECUBS | +Mary Ellen Hendricks |
Christopher Hine | Sports Reporter | @ChristopherHine | +Chris Hine |
Dan Hinkel | Resident/Reporter, Schaumburg Bureau | @dhinkel | +Dan Hinkel |
Ray Hochgesang | MoD Editor/Designer | @rhochgesang |
Margaret Holt | Standards Editor | @chicagomargaret |
Jared S. Hopkins | Watchdog Reporter | @JaredSHopkins | +Jared Hopkins |
Stephen Huang | Sports Desk | @SaveTheGnu | +Steve Huang |
Mark Hume | Photo Editor | @mhume | +Mark Hume |
Rex W. Huppke | Writer, Metro/Workplace Columnist | @RexHuppke | +Rex Huppke |
Nausheen Husain | Junior Developer | @NausheenHusain |
David Jackson | Investigative Reporter | @poolcar4 |
Mark Jacob | Associate Managing Editor, Metro | @MarkJacob16 | +Mark Jacob |
Terrence Antonio James | Staff Photographer |
Trevor Jensen | Metro Source Editor | @ttjensen |
Charlie Johnson | Digital News Editor | @Charliemagne |
G. Allen Johnson | Senior Editor/Designer, Editing & Presentation |
K.C. Johnson | Bulls beat writer, Sports | @KCJHoop | +K.C. Johnson |
Steve Johnson | Entertainment Reporter | @StevenKJohnson | +Steve Johnson |
Andrew Johnston | Photo Editor | @Andy_J_Johnston |
Chris Jones | Theater Critic, A&E | @ChrisJonesTrib |
Phil Jurik | Editor, Suburban Tribune | @pjurik | +Phil Jurik |
Liz Kalkowski | Editor/Designer | @lizkalkowski | +Liz Kalkowski |
Blair Kamin | Architecture Critic | @BlairKamin |
Colleen Kane | White Sox Reporter | +Colleen Kane |
Kristin Karnopp | Editor/Designer, Editing & Presentation |
Amanda Kaschube | Senior Digital Editor, | @amandakaschube | +Amanda Kaschube |
John Kass | Columnist | @John_Kass | +John Kass |
John A. Keilman | General Assignment Reporter/Writer, Schaumburg Bureau | @JohnKeilman | +John Keilman |
Cristi Kempf | Associate Managing Editor, Editing & Presentation | @cristikempf | +Cristi Kempf |
David Kidwell | State Government Reporter/Writer, Metro | +David Kidwell |
John J. Kim | Tribune Staff Photographer | @jkimpictures |
Karisa King | Investigative Reporter | @karisaking |
Scott Kleinberg | Social Media Editor | @scottkleinberg | +Scott Kleinberg |
Joe Knowles | Associate Managing Editor, Sports | @jknowles31 | +Joe Knowles |
Rick Kogan | Entertainment Writer/Chicago Live! Host | @rickkogan | +Rick Kogan |
Greg Kot | Pop Music Critic, A&E | @gregkot | +Greg Kot |
Eric A. Krol | Metro, Politics Editor | @EAKrol |
Chris Kuc | Blackhawks Reporter, Sports | @ChrisKuc | +Chris Kuc |
Colleen Kujawa | Editor/Designer | @Colleen_Kujawa | +Colleen Kujawa |
Dan Lambert | Digital News Editor | @DanLambert22 |
Mark LeBien | Digital Coordinator for News | @marklebien | +Mark LeBien |
William L. Lee | Reporter | @MidnoirCowboy |
Michael Lev | Editorial Board Member | @MichaelLev | +Michael Lev |
Angie Leventis Lourgos | Reporter/Writer | @angie_leventis |
Todd Lighty | Investigations Reporter/Writer, Metro | @tlighty | +Todd Lighty |
Kimberly Loll | Editor/Designer |
Ray Long | Watchdog Reporter, Tower | @RayLong | +Ray Long |
Michelle Lopez | Digital and Design Editor, The Mash | @michelleglopez | +MichelleGLopez |
Marcia Lythcott | Associate Editorial Page Editor for Commentary |
Brian MacQueen | Assistant Subject Editor, News Editing | +Brian MacQueen |
Dean Magnavite | Editor/Designer |
Joe Mahr | Suburban Watchdog Reporter | @joemahr1 | +Joe Mahr |
Dan I. Mann | Assistant Subject Editor, Presentation |
Annemarie Mannion | Metro Reporter | @triblocalam |
Gail MarksJarvis | Financial Columnist | @gailmarksjarvis | +Gail MarksJarvis |
Kenney Marlatt | Assistant Subject Editor, Presentation | @kenneymarlatt | +Kenney Marlatt |
Julie Ann Marra | Editor/Designer | @julieannmarra |
Gary Marx | Investigative Reporter | @garyjmarx | +Gary Marx |
Ryan Marx | Assistant Graphics Editor | @ryanmarx |
Mitchell May | Deputy National/Foreign Editor | @MitchellMay755 | +Mitchell May |
Rich Mayor | PrepsPlus Editor | @CityHall03 |
Robert McCoppin | Reporter, Specialist | @RobertMcCoppin | +Robert McCoppin |
Kristen McQueary | Editorial Board Member | @StatehouseChick |
Luis Medina | Assistant Editing III |
Jason Meisner | Reporter/Writer, Metro | @jmetr22b | +Jason Meisner |
Nina Metz | Reporter, Entertainment | @NinaMetzNews | +Nina Metz |
Jeremy Mikula | Editing Assistant, Books | @jeremymikula |
Steve Mills | Metro Reporter | @smmills1960 |
Michael Miner | Assistant Subject Editor, Presentation | +Michael Miner |
Mark Misulonas | Assistant Subject Editor, Metro Copy Desk | @Mmisulonas15 |
Ian Mitchell | Editor/Designer | +Ian Mitchell |
Brian Moore | Digital News Editor | @BriTheWebGuy | +Brian Moore |
Jason Morris | Assistant Subject Editor, Metro Copy Desk | @jmorristrib | +Jason Morris |
Shaina Murphy | Sr, Communications Specialist | @shainamurph |
Holly Napoli | Secretary, Sports |
Brian Nemtusak | Editor/Designer |
Peter Nickeas | Metro Reporter | @PeterNickeas | +Peter Nickeas |
Josh B. Noel | Reporter, Travel | @joshbnoel | +Josh Noel |
Brad Nolan | Editor/Designer | @badgerbradn |
Shanna Novak | Assistant Subject Editor, News Editing | @shannanovak |
Patrick M. O'Connell | Reporter | @pmocwriter |
William R. O'Connell | Copy Desk Chief |
Dave O'Connor | Assistant Producer - Newsroom Events | @DaveOC312 |
Matt O'Connor | Subject Editor, Courts/Metro | @moconnor51 |
Kathleen O'Malley | Editor/Designer | +Kathleen O'Malley |
Vikki Ortiz Healy | Reporter | @vikkiortiz | +Vikki Ortiz Healy |
Morgan Olsen | Eat & Drink editor, RedEye | @morgancolsen | +Morgan Olsen |
José M. Osorio | Staff Photographer | @JoseMOsorio |
Thomas L. Outlaw | Senior Scoreboard Editing Assistant, Sports | @toutlaw |
Clarence Page | Columnist and Member of the Editorial Board, Washington Bureau | @ChiTribPage | +Clarence Page |
Matthew Pais | Producer, | @MattPais |
Tom Palmer | Digital News Editor | @Mottom |
Todd Panagopoulos | Director of Photography/Video | @tpanagopoulos | +Todd Panagopoulos |
George Papajohn | Assistant Managing Editor, Investigations | @GeorgeWPapajohn | +George Papajohn |
Christi Parsons | White House Correspondent | @cparsons | +Christi Parsons |
Ken Paxson | Associate Subject Editor, Sports |
Rick Pearson | Political Reporter/Writer, Metro | @rap30 | +Rick Pearson |
Antonio Perez | Staff Photographer | @apereztribune |
Juan Perez, Jr. | Metro Reporter | @PerezJr |
Michael Phillips | Film Critic | @phillipstribune | +Michael Phillips |
Mary Ellen Podmolik | Associate Managing Editor, Business | @mepodmolik | +Mary Ellen Podmolik |
Melody Potempa | Editorial Coordinator, Editorial Administration |
Kris Powers | Editor/Designer |
Scott Powers | Entertainment Editor: A&E, On the Town, Movies, Dining; Music Editor | @SLPowersChiTrib | +Scott Powers |
Gregory Pratt | Metro Reporter | @royalpratt |
Kim Profant | Copy Editor, National/Foreign News |
Tony Puricelli | Editor/Designer |
John Puterbaugh | Editor, Pioneer Press | @John_Puterbaugh |
Diane C. Rado | Reporter, Education | @diane_rado | +Diane Rado |
Brian Rausch | Editor/Designer |
Patrick Regan | Bureau Chief, Northlake Bureau | +Patrick Regan |
Howard Reich | Jazz/Arts Critic, A&E | @howardreich | +Howard Reich |
Peter Reinwald | Deputy Editor, Blue Sky | @petereinwald |
Eric J. Reyes | Assistant Subject Editor, Presentation | @erey | +Eric Reyes |
Jessica Reynolds | Digital Editor, Opinion | @reynoldsjessica | +Jessica Reynolds |
Stephanie Reynolds | Editor/Designer | @ssreyn |
Dawn Rhodes | Reporter/Writer | @rhodes_dawn | +Dawn Rhodes |
Jennifer Smith Richards | Specialist Reporter | @jsmithrichards |
Kenneth Rickard | Assistant Subject Editor, News Editing |
Darcel Rockett | Digital News Editor | @DarcelTribune | +Darcel Rockett |
Alex Rodriguez | Editorial Board Member | @alexrpak |
Sam Roe | Investigative Reporter | @SamRoe |
Steven M. Rosenberg | Photo Editor | @srosenbergphoto | +Steven Rosenberg |
Steve Rosenbloom | Columnist, Sports | @steverosenbloom | +Steve Rosenbloom |
Phil Rosenthal | Business Columnist | @phil_rosenthal | +Phil Rosenthal |
Neil Ross | Editorial Clerk |
Richard Rott | DataBase |
Michelle Rowan | Editor, Metro | @mrowan20 | +Michelle Rowan |
Angela Rozas O'Toole | Deputy Metro Editor | @AngelaRozas | +Angela Rozas O'Toole |
Bill Ruthhart | Reporter, Metro | @BillRuthhart | +Bill Ruthhart |
Annie Ryan | Business Manager, The Mash | @aeryan3 |
Mary Shannon Ryan | Sports Reporter | @sryantribune |
Ameet Sachdev | Legal Affairs Reporter, Financial News | @ameetsachdev | +Ameet Sachdev |
Carlos E. Sadovi | Breaking News Police Reporter | @csadovi | +Carlos Sadovi |
Mike Sansone | Associate Subject Editor, Sports | @TheMikeSansone | +Mike Sansone |
Alena Saunders | Editorial Assistant |
Geoff Scheerer | Photo Editor, Suburban Publications | @GeoffotoTrib |
William Scheibe | Sports Editor, Suburban | @bill_scheibe |
Steven Schmadeke | Reporter/Writer, Metro |
Mary Schmich | Columnist, Metro | @MarySchmich | +Mary Schmich |
Nara Schoenberg | Reporter/Writer | @nschoenberg | +Nara Schoenberg |
Pete Schwab | Photo Technology Supervisor | +Pete Schwab |
Calvin Scott | Editor/Designer | @calvinbscott |
Char Searl | Editor/Designer |
Randi Shaffer | Social Media Assistant |
Corilyn Shropshire | Business Reporter | @corilyns | +Corilyn Shropshire |
Katherine M. Skiba | Reporter/Washington Bureau | @KatherineSkiba | +Katherine Skiba |
Tom Skilling | Chief Meteorologist, WGN-TV |
Paul Skrbina | Sports Reporter, Notre Dame Football, Blackhawks, Chicago Baseball | @ChiTribSkrbina | +Paul Skrbina |
Rochell Sleets | Lifestyles Source Editor | @RochellSleets |
Ryan Smith | News Editing |
Soren Smith | Chief Clerk |
Rosemary Sobol | Metro Reporter | @Rosemarysobol1 | +Rosemary Sobol |
Anthony Souffle | Photographer | @AnthonySouffle | +Anthony Souffle |
Michael Stainbrook | Editing Assistant | @Stainbrook419 |
Scott B. Stantis | Editorial Cartoonist | @sstantis | +Scott Stantis |
Stacey St. Clair | Reporter, Metro | @StacyStClair |
Heidi Stevens | Lifestyles Columnist | @heidistevens13 | +Heidi Stevens |
Randi Stevenson | Lifestyles Digital Editor | @RandiStevenson | |
Nancy Stone | Staff Photographer |
Paul Sullivan | Baseball Writer | @PWSullivan | +Paul Sullivan |
Tracy Swartz | General Assignment Reporter, RedEye | @tracyswartz | +Tracy Swartz |
Christopher Sweda | Staff Photographer |
Anne Sweeney | Courts Reporter | @Annie1221 |
Saleema Syed | Editor/Designer | @SaleemaNSyed | +Saleema Syed |
David Syrek | Assistant Editor, Lifestyle | @DavidSyrek | +David Syrek |
Michael D. Tercha | Staff Photographer | @mtercha | +Michael Tercha |
Kate Thayer | Reporter | @knthayer |
Phillip Thompson | Sports Source Editor | @_phil_thompson | +Phillip Thompson |
Patti Tims | Editor/Designer |
Kaarin Tisue | Watchdog Editor | @katchicago | +Kaarin Tisue |
Gregory Trotter | Metro Reporter | @NorthShoreTrib | +Gregory Trotter |
Abel Uribe | Staff Photographer | @Able099 |
Tracy Van Moorlehem | Editor, Metro | @bartonvan |
Elaine Varvatos | Manager, Editorial Administration |
Phil Velasquez | Staff Photographer |
Phil Vettel | Restaurant Critic | @philvettel | +Phil Vettel |
John Von Rhein | Classical Music Critic, A&E | @jvonrhein | +John Von Rhein |
Paige Wagenknecht | National Content |
Matt L. Walberg | Reporter/Writer, Criminal Courts | @mattwalberg1 |
Christopher Walker | Staff Photographer | @walker_pix | +Chris Walker |
Maggie Walker | Photo Editor |
Diana Wallace | Chicagoland North Deputy Bureau Chief | @dwallacetrib |
E. Jason Wambsgans | Staff Photographer |
Maggie Wartik | General Manager of Suburban Weeklies (TribLocal, Pioneer Press) | @mwartik |
James Webb | Subject Editor, Metro | @JamesEWebb |
Lara Weber | Editorial Board member | @lweber | +Lara Weber |
Wendy Weber | Source Editor, Suburban Trib | @tvjedi |
Paul Weingarten | Member of the Editorial Board | @paulweingarten1 | +Paul Weingarten |
Stu Werner | Copy Desk Chief | @stu_werner435 | +Stu Werner |
Stacey Wescott | Staff Photographer | @staceywescott1 | +Stacey Wescott |
Dina P. White | Office Manager, Tribune Washington Bureau |
Daniel Wiederer | Bears Reporter | @danwiederer |
Keri Wiginton | Photo Editor, Blue Sky and Printers Row Journal | @keriphoto |
Deanese A. Williams | Reporter/Writer, Metro News | @neacynewslady |
Kevin M. Williams | Editor, On the Town; Visual Arts Editor | @TribuneKevin | +Kevin Williams |
Amy Winter | Editor/Designer |
Jeffrey Wisser | Editor/Designer | @JeffWisser |
Elizabeth Wolfe | Digital News Editor | @wolfeelizabeth |
Grace Wong | Reporter | @gracewong630 |
Becky Yerak | Financial Services Reporter, Financial News | @beckyyerak | +Becky Yerak |
Chad Yoder | Design/Editing | @Yoder |
Michael Zajakowski | Photo Editor | @zajakowski | +Michael Zajakowski |
Geoff Ziezulewicz | Metro Reporter | @JournoGeoffZ |
Steve Zimmerman | MoD Editor/Designer |
Eric Zorn | Columnist | @EricZorn | +Eric Zorn |
Lauren Zumbach | Metro Reporter | @laurenzumbach |
Something else that's pathetic about the Trib, is that they're trying to get people to "Support Quality Journalism" for an introductory rate of 99 cents. Guess they don't want to be lumped in with all of the other fake news like the Sun-Times, the local & national broadcast networks, etc.
ReplyDeleteIt's a shame they put up a paywall a year ago to block commenters like me who didn't pay/let their subscriptions expire, so now they can get people with liberal views to post, or conservatives too stupid to realize they actually pay to post & read that crap.
President Trump now has an approval rating of 53% - the news media has an approval rating of 39%. Most people now understand that the news media consists of a bunch of left-wing, dishonest lying anti-American people. The Tribune may have some honest employees left. But most are enemies of the American people - enemies of the people of Chicago. Mike Royko couldn't be hired by this den of liars, today.
ReplyDeleteCould not have said it better!
DeleteTotally agree with your insights. In today's internet generation, the only way to get an edge in the market out there is to be visible using any other techniques know to men to be able to get the connection in the online community
ReplyDeleteRestylane Chicago
The Chicago Tribune truly is a disgusting failed paper. Some of the worst reporting I've ever seen especially from Gorner.
ReplyDeleteThank you for outing these creeps!
ReplyDeleteEven the Tribune Sports staff votes overwhelmingly Democrat - look at this recent analysis:
Who reads this rag anyway? Their blog site, is filled with bloggers who blog everyday hating Trump. It's kind of funny in a sick way. They have Trump Derangement Syndrome. There is no cure.
ReplyDeleteHave you noticed that the Tribune Corp.'s ultra-leftist "Red Eye" is practically out of business? Millenial snowflakes wrote it - but millenial snowflakes don't read.
DeleteMaybe they can't.