Kester Alleyne-Morris | Assistant Subject Editor, National | @KesterAlleyne | +Kester Alleyne-Morris |
John A. Andersen | Film Imaging Technician |
Tim Bannon | Sports Editor | @TimBannon | +Tim Bannon |
Kyle Bentle | Graphics Producer | @kylebentle | +Kyle Bentle |
Michael Berens | Investigative Reporter | @MJBerens1 |
Kathy Bergen | Reporter/Writer, Chicago business climate | @kathy_bergen | +Kathy Bergen |
Jonathon Berlin | Graphics Editor | @JonathonBerlin | +Jonathon Berlin |
Joseph Biesk | Editor, South Town Star | @joebiesk |
Brad Biggs | Reporter/Writer, Bears | @BradBiggs | +Brad Biggs |
Christopher Boghossian | Sports Source Editor | @ChrisBoghossian |
Samantha Bomkamp | Business Reporter | @SamWillTravel | +Samantha Bomkamp |
Christopher Borrelli | Entertainment Reporter | @Borrelli | +Chris Borrelli |
Lolly L. Bowean | General Assignment Reporter/Writer | @lollybowean |
Alison Bowen | Lifestyles Reporter | @byalisonbowen |
Jeff Bowen | Editor/Designer | +Jeff Bowen |
Joel Boyd | Source Editor, Sports | @JJoelBoyd | +Joel Boyd |
Manya Brachear Pashman | Religion Reporter/Writer, Metro | @TribSeeker | +Manya Brachear |
Jemal Brinson | Producer, Graphics | @jemalbrins | +Jemal Brinson |
Tony Briscoe | Reporter | @_tonybriscoe |
Bob Brown | Copy Editor, Financial News |
Taylor Brown | SEO Specialist |
Aly Brumback | Digital News Editor | @alybrumback | +Aly Brumback |
Chuck Burke | Editing & Presentation, Deputy | @chuck_burke | +Chuck Burke |
John Byrne | Reporter, City Hall | @_johnbyrne | +John Byrne |
Zbigniew Bzdak | Staff Photographer | @zbzdak |
Patricia Callahan | Investigative Reporter | @TribuneTrish | +Patricia Callahan |
Rich Campbell | Bears Reporter | @Rich_Campbell |
Jeffrey Carlson | Editor/Designer | @carlsonjeff2014 |
Whitney Carlson | Editorial Assistant |
Amy Carr | Development Editor | @amyscarr |
Carmel Carrillo | TV and Movies Editor | @CarmelCarrillo | +Carmel Carrillo |
Brian Cassella | Staff Photographer | @briancassella | +Brian Cassella |
Kathleen Celer | Photo Imaging Technician |
Jeff C. Cercone | Digital News Editor | +Jeff Cercone |
Alexandra Chachkevitch | Local Reporter | @chachkevitch |
Mary Kate Chambers | Editor/Designer | +MaryKate Chambers |
Robert Channick | Reporter/Writer, Business and Media | @RobertChannick | +Robert Channick |
Stephen Chapman | Columnist and Member of the Editorial Board | @SteveChapman13 | +Steve Chapman |
John Chase | State Government Reporter/Writer, Metro | @chasejohn |
Lauren Chval | Community Coordinator, The Mash | @lchval |
Geoffrey Clark | Assistant Editing III | @gfclark89 |
Norma Cochrane | Communications Coordinator, Editorial Message Center |
Jeff Coen | Federal Courts Reporter/Writer, Metro | @JeffCoen | +Jeff Coen |
Jodi S. Cohen | Higher Education Reporter/Writer, Metro | @higherednews | +Jodi S. Cohen |
Lauren Comitor | Digital News Editor | @laurencomitor |
Megan Crepeau | Copy Editor, RedEye | @crepeau |
Karen Cullotta | Reporter, Trib Local Arlington Heights | @kcullotta |
Patrick Daily | Editor/Designer |
Bill Daley | Food and Feature Writer | @BillDaley | +Bill Daley |
Cindy Dampier | Assistant Editor, Lifestyle |
Hal Dardick | Reporter/Writer, City Hall | @ReporterHal | +Hal Dardick |
Robin Daughtridge | AME/Photo and Video | @rdaughtridge | +Robin Daughtridge |
Molly Davis | Online Entertainment Producer | @MollyDavis | +Molly Davis |
Jennifer Day | Books/Printers Row Journal Editor | @dayjenn | +Jennifer Day |
Amy Dickinson | "Ask Amy" Features Columnist | @AskingAmy | +Amy Dickinson |
Marie Dillon | Deputy Editorial Page Editor | @mariecdillon | +Marie Dillon |
Nuccio DiNuzzo | Staff Photographer | @chitribnuccio |
Cara DiPasquale | Source Editor | @cdipasquale | +Cara DiPasquale |
Cynthia Dizikes | Reporter, Metro | @cdizikes | +Cynthia Dizikes |
Valentina Djeljosevic | Deputy Editor of Editing & Presentation | +Valentina Djeljosevic |
Robert Duffer | Autos Editor | @DufferRobert | +Robert Duffer |
Jordan A. Dziura | Deputy Editor of Editing & Presentation | @jdziura |
Leo A. Ebersole | Assistant Entertainment Editor | @sharkvshyena | +Leo Ebersole |
Amina Elahi | Reporter, Blue Sky | @aminamina | +Amina Elahi |
Duaa Eldeib | Reporter | @deldeib | +Duaa Eldeib |
Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz | Business Reporter | @alexiaer | +Alexia Elejalde-Ruiz |
Daniel Ellman | Editor/Designer |
Renee Enna | Assistant Editor, Lifestyles | @reneeenna | +Renee Enna |
Abraham Epton | News Applications Team | @aepton | +Abraham Epton |
Tom Fields | Executive Assistant |
Kori Rumore Finley | Graphics Producer | @rumormill |
Liz Fitzgerald | Editor/Designer, Sports | @FitzWatson | +Liz Fitzgerald |
Liam Ford | Source Editor, Writer | @ltaford | +Liam Ford |
Monique Garcia | Springfield Correspondent/Bureau Chief | @moniquegarcia | +Monique Garcia |
Georgia C. Garvey | Managing Editor, Pioneer Press | @gcgarvey | +Georgia Garvey |
Destiny Gdalman | Senior Technical Producer | @DestinyGdalman |
Philip Geib | Design/Editing | @pgeib1 |
Kim Geiger | Metro Reporter | @kimgeiger |
Douglas George | Assistant Entertainment Editor | @DouglasGeorge | +DouglasGeorge |
Kurt Gessler | Sr. Editor, | @kurtgessler | +Kurt Gessler |
Heather Gillers | Specialist Reporter/Investigative | @hgillers | +Heather Gillers |
Dahleen Glanton | Metro reporter | @dahleeng | +Dahleen Glanton |
Mark Gonzales | Cubs Reporter, Sports | @MDGonzales |
Jeremy Gorner | Reporter/Writer, Police |
Joe Gray | Food & Dining Editor | @joegraygoodeats |
Jimmy Greenfield | Community Manager, ChicagoNow | @jcgreenx | +Jimmy Greenfield |
Teddy Greenstein | Media/College Football Reporter, Sports | @TeddyGreenstein | +Teddy Greenstein |
Ted Gregory | General Assignment Reporter/Writer, Northlake Bureau | @tgregoryreports |
Elizabeth Greiwe | Editor, Voice of the People | @elizabethgreiwe |
Ron Grossman | Urban Affairs Reporter/Writer, Metro | +Ron Grossman |
Jason Grotto | Specialist Reporter/Investigative | @JasonGrotto | +Jason Grotto |
Christy Gutowski | Metro Reporter | @christygutowsk1 |
Daniel Haar | Editor/Breaking News | @dahaar |
Anne Halston | Editor, The Beacon-News, The Courier-News, Napierville Sun, TribLocal | @anniewho2 |
Andrea Hanis | Blue Sky Editor | @AndreaHanis | +Andrea Hanis |
Maureen Hart | Deputy Editor, Printers Row Journal, Saturday Books | @MaureenMH | +Maureen Hart |
David A. Haugh | Sports Columnist | @DavidHaugh | +David Haugh |
Michael Hawthorne | Watchdog Reporter/Environment | @scribeguy | +Michael Hawthorne |
John T. Hector | Assistant Subject Editor, Suburbs | @jthector | +John Hector |
David Heinzmann | Reporter/Writer, Metro | @davidheinzmann |
Mary Ellen Hendricks | Production Editor | @MECUBS | +Mary Ellen Hendricks |
Christopher Hine | Sports Reporter | @ChristopherHine | +Chris Hine |
Dan Hinkel | Resident/Reporter, Schaumburg Bureau | @dhinkel | +Dan Hinkel |
Ray Hochgesang | MoD Editor/Designer | @rhochgesang |
Margaret Holt | Standards Editor | @chicagomargaret |
Jared S. Hopkins | Watchdog Reporter | @JaredSHopkins | +Jared Hopkins |
Stephen Huang | Sports Desk | @SaveTheGnu | +Steve Huang |
Mark Hume | Photo Editor | @mhume | +Mark Hume |
Rex W. Huppke | Writer, Metro/Workplace Columnist | @RexHuppke | +Rex Huppke |
Nausheen Husain | Junior Developer | @NausheenHusain |
David Jackson | Investigative Reporter | @poolcar4 |
Mark Jacob | Associate Managing Editor, Metro | @MarkJacob16 | +Mark Jacob |
Terrence Antonio James | Staff Photographer |
Trevor Jensen | Metro Source Editor | @ttjensen |
Charlie Johnson | Digital News Editor | @Charliemagne |
G. Allen Johnson | Senior Editor/Designer, Editing & Presentation |
K.C. Johnson | Bulls beat writer, Sports | @KCJHoop | +K.C. Johnson |
Steve Johnson | Entertainment Reporter | @StevenKJohnson | +Steve Johnson |
Andrew Johnston | Photo Editor | @Andy_J_Johnston |
Chris Jones | Theater Critic, A&E | @ChrisJonesTrib |
Phil Jurik | Editor, Suburban Tribune | @pjurik | +Phil Jurik |
Liz Kalkowski | Editor/Designer | @lizkalkowski | +Liz Kalkowski |
Blair Kamin | Architecture Critic | @BlairKamin |
Colleen Kane | White Sox Reporter | +Colleen Kane |
Kristin Karnopp | Editor/Designer, Editing & Presentation |
Amanda Kaschube | Senior Digital Editor, | @amandakaschube | +Amanda Kaschube |
John Kass | Columnist | @John_Kass | +John Kass |
John A. Keilman | General Assignment Reporter/Writer, Schaumburg Bureau | @JohnKeilman | +John Keilman |
Cristi Kempf | Associate Managing Editor, Editing & Presentation | @cristikempf | +Cristi Kempf |
David Kidwell | State Government Reporter/Writer, Metro | +David Kidwell |
John J. Kim | Tribune Staff Photographer | @jkimpictures |
Karisa King | Investigative Reporter | @karisaking |
Scott Kleinberg | Social Media Editor | @scottkleinberg | +Scott Kleinberg |
Joe Knowles | Associate Managing Editor, Sports | @jknowles31 | +Joe Knowles |
Rick Kogan | Entertainment Writer/Chicago Live! Host | @rickkogan | +Rick Kogan |
Greg Kot | Pop Music Critic, A&E | @gregkot | +Greg Kot |
Eric A. Krol | Metro, Politics Editor | @EAKrol |
Chris Kuc | Blackhawks Reporter, Sports | @ChrisKuc | +Chris Kuc |
Colleen Kujawa | Editor/Designer | @Colleen_Kujawa | +Colleen Kujawa |
Dan Lambert | Digital News Editor | @DanLambert22 |
Mark LeBien | Digital Coordinator for News | @marklebien | +Mark LeBien |
William L. Lee | Reporter | @MidnoirCowboy |
Michael Lev | Editorial Board Member | @MichaelLev | +Michael Lev |
Angie Leventis Lourgos | Reporter/Writer | @angie_leventis |
Todd Lighty | Investigations Reporter/Writer, Metro | @tlighty | +Todd Lighty |
Kimberly Loll | Editor/Designer |
Ray Long | Watchdog Reporter, Tower | @RayLong | +Ray Long |
Michelle Lopez | Digital and Design Editor, The Mash | @michelleglopez | +MichelleGLopez |
Marcia Lythcott | Associate Editorial Page Editor for Commentary |
Brian MacQueen | Assistant Subject Editor, News Editing | +Brian MacQueen |
Dean Magnavite | Editor/Designer |
Joe Mahr | Suburban Watchdog Reporter | @joemahr1 | +Joe Mahr |
Dan I. Mann | Assistant Subject Editor, Presentation |
Annemarie Mannion | Metro Reporter | @triblocalam |
Gail MarksJarvis | Financial Columnist | @gailmarksjarvis | +Gail MarksJarvis |
Kenney Marlatt | Assistant Subject Editor, Presentation | @kenneymarlatt | +Kenney Marlatt |
Julie Ann Marra | Editor/Designer | @julieannmarra |
Gary Marx | Investigative Reporter | @garyjmarx | +Gary Marx |
Ryan Marx | Assistant Graphics Editor | @ryanmarx |
Mitchell May | Deputy National/Foreign Editor | @MitchellMay755 | +Mitchell May |
Rich Mayor | PrepsPlus Editor | @CityHall03 |
Robert McCoppin | Reporter, Specialist | @RobertMcCoppin | +Robert McCoppin |
Kristen McQueary | Editorial Board Member | @StatehouseChick |
Luis Medina | Assistant Editing III |
Jason Meisner | Reporter/Writer, Metro | @jmetr22b | +Jason Meisner |
Nina Metz | Reporter, Entertainment | @NinaMetzNews | +Nina Metz |
Jeremy Mikula | Editing Assistant, Books | @jeremymikula |
Steve Mills | Metro Reporter | @smmills1960 |
Michael Miner | Assistant Subject Editor, Presentation | +Michael Miner |
Mark Misulonas | Assistant Subject Editor, Metro Copy Desk | @Mmisulonas15 |
Ian Mitchell | Editor/Designer | +Ian Mitchell |
Brian Moore | Digital News Editor | @BriTheWebGuy | +Brian Moore |
Jason Morris | Assistant Subject Editor, Metro Copy Desk | @jmorristrib | +Jason Morris |
Shaina Murphy | Sr, Communications Specialist | @shainamurph |
Holly Napoli | Secretary, Sports |
Brian Nemtusak | Editor/Designer |
Peter Nickeas | Metro Reporter | @PeterNickeas | +Peter Nickeas |
Josh B. Noel | Reporter, Travel | @joshbnoel | +Josh Noel |
Brad Nolan | Editor/Designer | @badgerbradn |
Shanna Novak | Assistant Subject Editor, News Editing | @shannanovak |
Patrick M. O'Connell | Reporter | @pmocwriter |
William R. O'Connell | Copy Desk Chief |
Dave O'Connor | Assistant Producer - Newsroom Events | @DaveOC312 |
Matt O'Connor | Subject Editor, Courts/Metro | @moconnor51 |
Kathleen O'Malley | Editor/Designer | +Kathleen O'Malley |
Vikki Ortiz Healy | Reporter | @vikkiortiz | +Vikki Ortiz Healy |
Morgan Olsen | Eat & Drink editor, RedEye | @morgancolsen | +Morgan Olsen |
José M. Osorio | Staff Photographer | @JoseMOsorio |
Thomas L. Outlaw | Senior Scoreboard Editing Assistant, Sports | @toutlaw |
Clarence Page | Columnist and Member of the Editorial Board, Washington Bureau | @ChiTribPage | +Clarence Page |
Matthew Pais | Producer, | @MattPais |
Tom Palmer | Digital News Editor | @Mottom |
Todd Panagopoulos | Director of Photography/Video | @tpanagopoulos | +Todd Panagopoulos |
George Papajohn | Assistant Managing Editor, Investigations | @GeorgeWPapajohn | +George Papajohn |
Christi Parsons | White House Correspondent | @cparsons | +Christi Parsons |
Ken Paxson | Associate Subject Editor, Sports |
Rick Pearson | Political Reporter/Writer, Metro | @rap30 | +Rick Pearson |
Antonio Perez | Staff Photographer | @apereztribune |
Juan Perez, Jr. | Metro Reporter | @PerezJr |
Michael Phillips | Film Critic | @phillipstribune | +Michael Phillips |
Mary Ellen Podmolik | Associate Managing Editor, Business | @mepodmolik | +Mary Ellen Podmolik |
Melody Potempa | Editorial Coordinator, Editorial Administration |
Kris Powers | Editor/Designer |
Scott Powers | Entertainment Editor: A&E, On the Town, Movies, Dining; Music Editor | @SLPowersChiTrib | +Scott Powers |
Gregory Pratt | Metro Reporter | @royalpratt |
Kim Profant | Copy Editor, National/Foreign News |
Tony Puricelli | Editor/Designer |
John Puterbaugh | Editor, Pioneer Press | @John_Puterbaugh |
Diane C. Rado | Reporter, Education | @diane_rado | +Diane Rado |
Brian Rausch | Editor/Designer |
Patrick Regan | Bureau Chief, Northlake Bureau | +Patrick Regan |
Howard Reich | Jazz/Arts Critic, A&E | @howardreich | +Howard Reich |
Peter Reinwald | Deputy Editor, Blue Sky | @petereinwald |
Eric J. Reyes | Assistant Subject Editor, Presentation | @erey | +Eric Reyes |
Jessica Reynolds | Digital Editor, Opinion | @reynoldsjessica | +Jessica Reynolds |
Stephanie Reynolds | Editor/Designer | @ssreyn |
Dawn Rhodes | Reporter/Writer | @rhodes_dawn | +Dawn Rhodes |
Jennifer Smith Richards | Specialist Reporter | @jsmithrichards |
Kenneth Rickard | Assistant Subject Editor, News Editing |
Darcel Rockett | Digital News Editor | @DarcelTribune | +Darcel Rockett |
Alex Rodriguez | Editorial Board Member | @alexrpak |
Sam Roe | Investigative Reporter | @SamRoe |
Steven M. Rosenberg | Photo Editor | @srosenbergphoto | +Steven Rosenberg |
Steve Rosenbloom | Columnist, Sports | @steverosenbloom | +Steve Rosenbloom |
Phil Rosenthal | Business Columnist | @phil_rosenthal | +Phil Rosenthal |
Neil Ross | Editorial Clerk |
Richard Rott | DataBase |
Michelle Rowan | Editor, Metro | @mrowan20 | +Michelle Rowan |
Angela Rozas O'Toole | Deputy Metro Editor | @AngelaRozas | +Angela Rozas O'Toole |
Bill Ruthhart | Reporter, Metro | @BillRuthhart | +Bill Ruthhart |
Annie Ryan | Business Manager, The Mash | @aeryan3 |
Mary Shannon Ryan | Sports Reporter | @sryantribune |
Ameet Sachdev | Legal Affairs Reporter, Financial News | @ameetsachdev | +Ameet Sachdev |
Carlos E. Sadovi | Breaking News Police Reporter | @csadovi | +Carlos Sadovi |
Mike Sansone | Associate Subject Editor, Sports | @TheMikeSansone | +Mike Sansone |
Alena Saunders | Editorial Assistant |
Geoff Scheerer | Photo Editor, Suburban Publications | @GeoffotoTrib |
William Scheibe | Sports Editor, Suburban | @bill_scheibe |
Steven Schmadeke | Reporter/Writer, Metro |
Mary Schmich | Columnist, Metro | @MarySchmich | +Mary Schmich |
Nara Schoenberg | Reporter/Writer | @nschoenberg | +Nara Schoenberg |
Pete Schwab | Photo Technology Supervisor | +Pete Schwab |
Calvin Scott | Editor/Designer | @calvinbscott |
Char Searl | Editor/Designer |
Randi Shaffer | Social Media Assistant |
Corilyn Shropshire | Business Reporter | @corilyns | +Corilyn Shropshire |
Katherine M. Skiba | Reporter/Washington Bureau | @KatherineSkiba | +Katherine Skiba |
Tom Skilling | Chief Meteorologist, WGN-TV |
Paul Skrbina | Sports Reporter, Notre Dame Football, Blackhawks, Chicago Baseball | @ChiTribSkrbina | +Paul Skrbina |
Rochell Sleets | Lifestyles Source Editor | @RochellSleets |
Ryan Smith | News Editing |
Soren Smith | Chief Clerk |
Rosemary Sobol | Metro Reporter | @Rosemarysobol1 | +Rosemary Sobol |
Anthony Souffle | Photographer | @AnthonySouffle | +Anthony Souffle |
Michael Stainbrook | Editing Assistant | @Stainbrook419 |
Scott B. Stantis | Editorial Cartoonist | @sstantis | +Scott Stantis |
Stacey St. Clair | Reporter, Metro | @StacyStClair |
Heidi Stevens | Lifestyles Columnist | @heidistevens13 | +Heidi Stevens |
Randi Stevenson | Lifestyles Digital Editor | @RandiStevenson | |
Nancy Stone | Staff Photographer |
Paul Sullivan | Baseball Writer | @PWSullivan | +Paul Sullivan |
Tracy Swartz | General Assignment Reporter, RedEye | @tracyswartz | +Tracy Swartz |
Christopher Sweda | Staff Photographer |
Anne Sweeney | Courts Reporter | @Annie1221 |
Saleema Syed | Editor/Designer | @SaleemaNSyed | +Saleema Syed |
David Syrek | Assistant Editor, Lifestyle | @DavidSyrek | +David Syrek |
Michael D. Tercha | Staff Photographer | @mtercha | +Michael Tercha |
Kate Thayer | Reporter | @knthayer |
Phillip Thompson | Sports Source Editor | @_phil_thompson | +Phillip Thompson |
Patti Tims | Editor/Designer |
Kaarin Tisue | Watchdog Editor | @katchicago | +Kaarin Tisue |
Gregory Trotter | Metro Reporter | @NorthShoreTrib | +Gregory Trotter |
Abel Uribe | Staff Photographer | @Able099 |
Tracy Van Moorlehem | Editor, Metro | @bartonvan |
Elaine Varvatos | Manager, Editorial Administration |
Phil Velasquez | Staff Photographer |
Phil Vettel | Restaurant Critic | @philvettel | +Phil Vettel |
John Von Rhein | Classical Music Critic, A&E | @jvonrhein | +John Von Rhein |
Paige Wagenknecht | National Content |
Matt L. Walberg | Reporter/Writer, Criminal Courts | @mattwalberg1 |
Christopher Walker | Staff Photographer | @walker_pix | +Chris Walker |
Maggie Walker | Photo Editor |
Diana Wallace | Chicagoland North Deputy Bureau Chief | @dwallacetrib |
E. Jason Wambsgans | Staff Photographer |
Maggie Wartik | General Manager of Suburban Weeklies (TribLocal, Pioneer Press) | @mwartik |
James Webb | Subject Editor, Metro | @JamesEWebb |
Lara Weber | Editorial Board member | @lweber | +Lara Weber |
Wendy Weber | Source Editor, Suburban Trib | @tvjedi |
Paul Weingarten | Member of the Editorial Board | @paulweingarten1 | +Paul Weingarten |
Stu Werner | Copy Desk Chief | @stu_werner435 | +Stu Werner |
Stacey Wescott | Staff Photographer | @staceywescott1 | +Stacey Wescott |
Dina P. White | Office Manager, Tribune Washington Bureau |
Daniel Wiederer | Bears Reporter | @danwiederer |
Keri Wiginton | Photo Editor, Blue Sky and Printers Row Journal | @keriphoto |
Deanese A. Williams | Reporter/Writer, Metro News | @neacynewslady |
Kevin M. Williams | Editor, On the Town; Visual Arts Editor | @TribuneKevin | +Kevin Williams |
Amy Winter | Editor/Designer |
Jeffrey Wisser | Editor/Designer | @JeffWisser |
Elizabeth Wolfe | Digital News Editor | @wolfeelizabeth |
Grace Wong | Reporter | @gracewong630 |
Becky Yerak | Financial Services Reporter, Financial News | @beckyyerak | +Becky Yerak |
Chad Yoder | Design/Editing | @Yoder |
Michael Zajakowski | Photo Editor | @zajakowski | +Michael Zajakowski |
Geoff Ziezulewicz | Metro Reporter | @JournoGeoffZ |
Steve Zimmerman | MoD Editor/Designer |
Eric Zorn | Columnist | @EricZorn | +Eric Zorn |
Lauren Zumbach | Metro Reporter | @laurenzumbach |