Tuesday, May 29, 2018

So How Long Before Skokie Muslims Blow Up Skokie Holocaust Statue?

Skokie - the rapidly disintegrating armpit suburb of Chicago - the el-cheapo suburban gateway to Rogers Park - the new multicultural high crime suburb is now reaching a new low.
The Muslim Religious Sign on Skokie's Town Square

It is celebrating Muslim Ramadan on its town square.

The serious question that emerges here is "How long before the new Muslim majority electorate in el-crapo Skokie, demands that the Holocaust monument be torn down?"

After all, Muslims have been waging war on Jews and Christians throughout the Levant.

Muslims have been desecrating and destroying Jewish, Christian and Buddhist shrines everywhere their foul Koranic armies go.

So when will Skokie's Muslims have enough political clout to tear down the Jewish Holocaust Memorial, situated on Skokie's Village Hall and Public Library Square.

You think it inconceivable?
Skokie's Holocaust statue -
How long before Skokie's Muslims tear it down?

Well just look at how Muslim religious fanatics forced teachers and children to abandon Halloween celebrations at Skokie Public School District 69 - just 6 years ago:


Apparently their Imams didn't care to accept the American idea of free thought and freedom of religious expression - if it was not mandated by their own peculiar inanely rigorous religious ideology.

So while the largely Jewish Democrat political hacks in Skokie - from Mayor Geo. Van Dusen on down, bow and pray to the growing numbers of Allah devotees in their electorate we just have to ask them a simple question:

How long do you think it will be before the Muslim voters - which you have succored - vote to rip down the Skokie Holocaust Memorial?

The Jews and Christians in 1933 Europe were short-sighted. Are we seeing it again in Skokie?

Leftist Skokie Public Library Hails Obama Book - Shuns President Trump's Books

It is a hardly disguised fact, that the vast majority of librarians in Illinois are of a decidedly left-wing ideological bent.
Richard Kong - Director of Skokie's Left-Wing Public Library

But it is hard to find any taxpayer-supported library that is more so, than the Public Library in ultra-Democrat Skokie, Illinois.

This place - which actually is in the business of teaching children - has been so outlandishly blatant in its left-wing orientation as to be rather a disgrace.

These peculiar ideological warriors, posing as librarians, posted a plaque in their computer room, back during the George Bush administration, which proclaimed:

"Due to the dictates of Attorney General John Ashcroft, we can no longer ensure the privacy of your communications on our Skokie Public Library computers."

This was something that had been put in place by the U.S Department of Justice - the chief law enforcement agency in the land, after the 9-11 terrorist bombings, of the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and innocent civilian passengers in Pennsylvania.

But, lo and behold, when the leftist Barack Obama became President, his Attorney General, Eric Holder, maintained the very same public library computer surveillance, the neo-Marxists, who run the Skokie Public Library - interestingly, took the plaque down.

Wow! Might one consider that partisan?

Might one consider that intellectually dishonest?

And then - throughout the 8 years of the leftist President, Barack Obama's presidency, the left-wing nut jobs, who haul down big salaries, on the dole of the Skokie Public Library, prominently placed a copy of Barack Obama's self serving, ghost written, puff-piece biography - prominently on the display bookshelf leading to the 2nd floor - for all to see.

But do they today display any of the several books written by our U.S President, Donald Trump, in the same manner?

Of course not.

The Skokie Public Library - whose employees get fat salaries and pensions at taxpayer expense, need a thorough housecleaning.

Their staff must be transformed to reflect true diversity - and that means diversity of thought and public outlook. And it should - through hiring attrition, be transformed into a place that is no longer a highly paid playground for the radical left.

The names and salaries of all of the employees of the Skokie Public Library will be published here in 2 days - courtesy of the Better Government Association:
